
Will Veevers
Will Veevers
  • Updated

Real-time data analysis has become an indispensable tool for educational institutions seeking to improve outcomes. Observatory collects and analyses data in real time, allowing you to gain valuable insights into school performance, identify areas for improvement, and adjust strategies accordingly.

If your organisation does not contain Perspective Premium schools or all schools in your organisation have data sharing turned off, the analysis page will be unavailable.

Your access limits the analysis you can export. For example, if your administrators have only given you access to three schools, you will only see data for these three schools, provided those schools have data sharing on and the premium version of Perspective.

Observatory administrators can maintain the schools assigned to a user via the Users page. See the Assigning Schools to a User section of the Administration help guide for more information.


To access the Analysis for your schools, click the Analysis option on your main Observatory toolbar. 


If you want to view the old analysis export screens, click the Looking for the Exports page? link at the top of this screen. For more information on the exports, click here. 

Within the Observatory Analysis section, you are presented with six different panels to choose from. 

Each analysis panel and its functionality are explained below. 



Clicking the Analysis option takes you to the main Analysis dashboard, where you can view all your Analysis options. Under Observatory Analysis, click on KPIs. This analysis dashboard is explained in a separate guide, which you can access by clicking here.


Visits & Actions

Clicking the Visits option takes you to the main Visits dashboard, where you can view real-time data for your visits. This dashboard is explained in a separate guide, which you can access by clicking here

Clicking the Actions option does the same, but for your Actions data. Click here to access the dedicated help guide for that page.


Categories & Grades

The Categories data is powered by the categories assigned to schools within the system. For more information on category administration, click here. For details on assigning categories to schools, click here.

This section shows the spread of categories assigned to schools as a percentage. You can change this to counts via the Count option on the right. 

Categories and Grades 2024.jpg


The Grades data is powered by the grades assigned to schools within the system. For more information on grade administration, click here. For details on assigning grades to schools, click here.



For both Categories and Grades, hover over a bar to see a percentage and count of schools with that category or grade. There are two options on the pop-up.

See Schools will quickly take you to the Schools page of Observatory and automatically filter for the schools that have the specific category or grade you selected, allowing you to interact with them quickly.

Create Group immediately takes you to the group creation page and automatically selects schools with that category or grade assigned. Saving you from creating groups from scratch!

This simple but powerful functionality lets you quickly categorise and group schools based on your predefined criteria.


The chart at the bottom of the Grades tab also shows you the trend of grades, so you can easily track this data over time!




By combining a Wonde subscription with a Premium Observatory account, our users gain access to our MIS analysis section. All that key analysis can be found by selecting the relevant option within the MIS Panel on our Analysis page.

This area is quite large, therefore, it has its own help article, which you can access by clicking here. 


Performance Management

Use this panel to select one of three options directly related to staff performance and monitoring. Our analysis includes Development Feedback, Professional Standards and the overall status of all staff Performance Reviews.

That is another large area of the analysis; therefore, it has its own help article, which you can access by clicking here. 


Self Evaluation

The Self Evaluation Analysis is split into two sections. It allows you to view the SEF grades for all of your schools and all of their SEF text entries. 

The SEF Grades button will take you to an overview of your SEF grades from your schools.

SEF Grades.PNG

Similarly, the SEF Text option will give you the text answers that your schools have added against the SEF.

Please note: For this analysis to feed into Observatory, schools must have data sharing switched on and use the same SEF framework. 

For more information on SEF Analysis, click here.

Professional Judgements

The Professional Judgements Analysis will show you a breakdown of Professional Judgements data across your schools. 

Please note: you must have at least one school in your MAT that subscribes to our Balance product for Professional Judgements analysis to feed into Observatory.


You will see an analysis bar for each school, containing a breakdown of overall Professional Judgements data for that school. Each judgement is shown as a percentage on the bar; hover over a section to see the number of pupils and classes that make up the data, or click the Pupil Count radio button to toggle the view and see pupil numbers instead of percentages on the bar. 

Click the chevron to the left of the school name to see a breakdown of the data by class.

You can filter your results by school, year and subject using the drop-downs at the top of the page. 

You can export the analysis in PDF format by clicking the Export button.

Please note that to see this analysis, you will have to have the module enabled, and your schools have to be subscribed to Balance and have data sharing enabled. Only Professional Judgements that are common to all schools will be shown.