Observatory's integration of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aids school monitoring by providing staff with actionable insights into various aspects of school performance. KPIs serve as vital signposts, offering a snapshot of critical metrics. By harnessing a diverse range of custom KPIs, administrators gain the ability to delve into specific areas of interest, from achievement and attendance rates to financial sustainability and staff effectiveness.
KPIs can be aggregated into sets and arranged within layouts, offering a comprehensive overview of data for your schools.
Quick Steps
- Click the cog icon on the main Observatory toolbar.
- Click KPIs.
- To add a new KPI, click the New KPI button.
- To edit an existing KPI, click View List of all KPIs, then the Edit button next to the relevant KPI.
Need More Detailed Help?
Observatory users with administrative permissions can create and manage KPIs, Sets and Layouts from within the KPI admin menu. To access this menu, click the cog icon on the main Observatory toolbar and scroll to the KPIs section.
For help with KPI Sets, click here.
For help with KPI Layouts, click here.
Add new KPI
To add a new KPI, click the KPIs option and then select New KPI.
You can add a title and description for your KPI and select a KPI scale from the drop-down. The KPI grades are listed across the top, with a reference to what each of them represents underneath.
Once done, click Add KPI to confirm.
Edit Existing KPI
To edit an existing KPI, click the Edit button next to the relevant KPI.
If you have several KPIs in this list, use the search bar on the right-hand side. You can also hide any KPIs that do not have data by unticking the Include KPIs without data option.
You can change the KPI's title, description and scale descriptors in the KPI edit screen. However, you cannot change the KPI scale if the KPI has data recorded against it.
Delete Existing KPI
To delete an existing KPI, click the bin button next to the relevant KPI.
If the KPI is not in use, it will be deleted.
However, if the KPI is in use anywhere within your account, a pop-up will appear, affording you two options. Delete it from the KPI list only (but still retain the data assigned to your schools), or delete it from the system entirely and clear out the data.
Select the relevant option, or to go back, click Cancel.